Identification Documents

Identification documents are required to verify the identity of the user and to prevent money laundering and other crimes. Please upload your documents before requesting a withdrawal. Three types of documents are required to be uploaded, and four types are required for credit card deposits.

3 types of required documents (4 types if using credit card)

運転免許証 星野せいら

1. Photo ID

  • Driver’s license (both sides)
  • Passport
  • My number card
    (Please withhold personal number)
  • Other official documents with photo

One of the above.
Must be submitted separately from ID Selfie.

IDセルフィー 星野せいら

2. ID Selfie

Please take a picture so that your photo ID and your face are included in the image.
Please take the photo with your hand and face as close together as possible.
Please be careful not to cover your ID with your fingers.

3.Documentation confirming current address

  • Certificate of residence issued within the last 6 months
  • Mail postmarked with a date within the last 3 months

Any of the above.
The following will be considered invalid
Documents without name and address information.
Email, PDF, or other digital data.

4.Credit card, both sides

If you do not make a credit card deposit, you do not need to submit this form.
Only the last 4 digits of the card number are required. The first 12 digits and the CVV number on the back of the card can be left blank.

  • Please submit all cards used. Debit cards, V-prices, etc. must also be submitted.
  • If you do not have the actual card or the card number is not written on the card, please submit a screen capture of the screen where the number can be confirmed.
  • If your name is not written on the credit card, please submit a screen capture of the document, management screen, or other screen where your name can be confirmed.
  • If your credit card is cancelled without submitting the credit card information, you will not be able to withdraw funds, so please be sure to upload the information after making a credit card deposit.
  • Credit cards that are not in your name, including those of your family members, cannot be used. Please be careful.

Identification Documents Upload Method

Please take a picture of each identification document with a camera such as a smart phone and upload it according to the following procedure.

Go to Upload Screen

From a PC or smartphone browser, go to [login] > [My Profile] > [Submit Identification Documents].

Upload Implementation

[Click on “Upload New File”, select the file and category, and click on [Upload].
If you are not sure of the category, click on “Other”. You may leave the comment field blank.

We do not specifically notify you of the completion of the upload.
If the upload of documents cannot be confirmed at the time of withdrawal, we will contact you to let you know.

When to upload

Upload your documents at least one day prior to your withdrawal request.
If you try to upload your documents just before your withdrawal, you may not be able to withdraw your funds on the requested date because the documents are not ready.
In order to take advantage of our “Same Day Withdrawal” service, please upload your documents as soon as possible after opening your account.

Before requesting a withdrawal, please make sure that you have correctly uploaded all three types of documents (or all four if you are using a credit card). [You can check the documents you have uploaded by going to “Login” > “My Profile” > “Submit Identification Documents”.


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